Design Publications /

Standard Form of Agreement for Design Services

This agreement allows you to create customized terms and conditions for different types of design engagements. It does not take a one-size-fits-all approach, and it is not an extensive pre-printed document where you simply fill in the blanks. Instead, this agreement acknowledges that most design firms develop their own custom proposal document for each project and are looking for an appropriate set of terms and conditions to attach to it. When put together and signed, the custom proposal document and its attached terms and conditions comprise the binding agreement with the client. With this in mind, the new focus of the AIGA Standard Form of Agreement is on those terms and conditions.


AIGA has published a series of brochures outlining the critical ethical and professional issues encountered by designers and their clients. The series, entitled "Design Business and Ethics," examines the key concerns a designer faces in maintaining a successful practice and speaks directly to the protection of individual rights.

Periodicals & Annuals

AIGA Annual
An annual to showcase the work selected in "365: AIGA Annual Design Competitions" and "AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers," as the best examples of design excellence for that given year.
Voice: AIGA Journal of Design
An online publication for the discussion of design matters, featuring insightful interviews, engaging essays and thoughtful criticism.


The AIGA Design Press is publishing partnership between New Riders and AIGA that publishes books advancing the art, practice and theory of design. AIGA members receive a discount on these titles.

Design for Democracy
A book by Marcia Lausen, a founding member of the AIGA strategic initiative Design for Democracy, is an essential advocacy tool for designers and election officials, lawmakers and citizens.

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