HIVE Agenda
The Design Landscape
10 am
Special Performance by “Charles”
10:10 am
Welcome to HIVE!
10:20 am
- Hillel Cooperman, Jackson Fish Market
Professional Software Design. Don't Try This at Home. -
Everyone says they understand the importance of design in creating great products? But do they? What is a good designer anyway? Would you know one if it fell in your soup? And would they know what to do given the opportunity? You say you understand the importance of design, but can you do more than repeat that phrase hoping it will make your product great?
10:40 am
- Jay Greene, Author
Design is How it Works -
Jay zeroes in on the design process at companies that do design well. The companies come in different shapes & sizes. The point is that design is something at which any company can succeed. Jay will talk about how companies that embrace the idea that design is about creating a great experience are the ones that will flourish in the 21st Century.
11 am
- Kim Obbink, Filter
Tribal Instincts -
We’ll go into the wilds of the digital industry and explore the mysteries of the Creative Tribe. How can we, as leaders, keep the tribe vibrant and essential? Where is the UX Tribe hiding and how can we identify them? We’ll take a look at a cross-section of UX portfolios and discuss how to recruit, qualify, and hire some of the most sought after tribe members in the digital industry.
11:20 am
- August de los Reyes, Artefact
The Myth of Design Education -
We must live differently in the 21st century, and in doing so, we must design differently. This discussion is about the future of design education. August will dissect contemporary frameworks of design instruction, and propose a new path forward. Given the state of design & technology today, coupled with the challenges we face in the coming decades, a new culture of learning must evolve!
Lightning Round: mini talks “Ignite” style
Andrew Otwell, Amazon
Five Deadly Venoms: Punch! Kick! Hire!
Tyeshah Snow, Consultant
Contract vs. In House
Robbie Ingebretsen, PixelLab
Developer/Designer Workflow for Non-Zombies
Lunch & Networking
12 - 1 pm
Boxed lunches will be provided.
Make sure to check out the activities in the Stereo Type Room during this time!
The Practice of Design
1 pm
- Scott Berkun,
Feedback Without Frustration: How to Run an
Effective Design Critique -
Is it possible for developers, designers and marketers to talk about designs without wanting to kill each other? Yes! And it starts by using the same language, recognizing everyone’s natural biases, and setting smart ground rules. All of which you’ll learn insider tricks for how to do in this short talk.
1:20 pm
1:40 pm
- Matt Brown, Facebook
Stop Filling Buckets: Better Design Through Content -
Designing without content makes for backbone-less designs. In this presentation, Matt will explain how make your projects more solid by 1) working with content people, 2) acting like an editor/writer yourself, and 3) focusing on the what & why of your designs before you start designing.
2 pm
- Christen Coomer, Valve
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and
Love the Engineers -
Do you find yourself spending your work time focused on everything other than the work itself? Do you wonder what it would take to build implicit trust between yourself and your peers? The relationship between designers and developers should be a powerful one, as you are the people building the product.
Lightening Round: mini talks “Ignite” style
Kevin Moore, PixelLab
The Art of Engineering
Jeff Weir, Microsoft
The Proof is in the Prototype
Kristine Johnson, Cognition Studios
Visualizing Healthcare
Conversation Break
2:35 - 3 pm
Snacks & Conversation. Stereo Type Room Activities.
The Future of Design
Lightening Round: mini talks “Ignite” style
Michelle Goldberg, Ignition Partners
Why VCs Care About Design
Michelle Broderick, Uber
Marketers Love Designers
3:10 pm
- Braden Kowitz & Jake Knapp, Google
How CEOs Can Lead to Great Design -
A game plan for leaders who want to build well designed products. We’ll share lessons learned from Silicon Valley about how to build great design teams, how to fit design into your product development process, and how you can help make your whole team more design centered.
3:30 pm
- Kelly Smith, Curious Office
Mobile Design: The Next Wave of Opportunity -
It’s no secret that there is a significant and growing opportunity designing for mobile. But how is this medium different for those who are new to the app world? What common mistakes you can avoid? How is designing for iOS different than designing for Android? And what things can you do to become a better designer of mobile apps?
3:50 pm
- Enrique Allen, 500 Startups
The Future of Designer Founders in Tech -
What do these companies - YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Tumblr, Blurb, Etsy, Kickstarter, About.Me, Foodspotting, and Instagram have in common? They all have designer founders. What makes these designers special? How are they different from traditional service based design consultants? Can designers be successful entrepreneurs? As part of research underpinning the Designer Fund, Enrique examines patterns across interviews with established and emerging designer founders. He hopes to further entrepreneurial design education by empowering the next generation of designers to think beyond just service roles and create businesses with meaningful impact.
4:10 pm
Closing Remarks