Event Calendar /
Tue / 03.26.13
5:45PM - 8:30PM
Seattle Art Museum, Plestcheef Auditorium
AIGA Seattle /
A Discussion with Regional In-house Design Key Opinion Leaders
As part of AIGA and TCG's ongoing program, INitiative: INsights to help INhouse design teams thrive, join INhouse designers for an evening of networking and dialogue. Hear how designers are transforming the corporate and non-profit world from the inside out. Our panel will discuss the future roles for in-house design teams, the role of design within in-house organizations, and the growing demand for design-related skills.
Wed / 03.27.13
12:00PM - 1:30PM
Seattle Design Center, Plaza Building Suite 292
Community / Graphic Artists Guild Seattle
Creating a Personal Brand Strategy
Communicate Your Value, Brand Yourself to Win
Graphic Artists Guild Workshop Presented by Eric Weaver
Corporations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to create brand strategies to best communicate their value. Why shouldn’t you use the same basic techniques to promote your own value?
Learn to create a personal brand strategy to help you phrase your value, and position you for competitive advantage, whether as an employee, a contractor or a freelancer.