What do we mean by "Discussions"? /
Tue / 08.24.10
by Linda Norlen
We envision this “Discussions” section as a blend of news, blog, and forum. We’d like to stimulate conversation about design and business, the convergence of design disciplines, interesting research, and trends and issues that impact the region’s design community. We plan to include book reviews, critical essays, reflections on practice, and observations on the wider meaning of what we do.
The following piece comes to us from Anne Traver, who’s well known in the Seattle design community as a former principal of Methodologie, a teacher at the UW, a past president of AIGA Seattle, and a recipient of the AIGA Seattle Fellow Award in 2007. We plan on bringing you more interesting writers in the weeks and months to come.
Be sure to check back here frequently—or subscribe to our RSS feed, which will bring you both the latest Events and Discussions.
AIGA Seattle encourages thoughtful, responsible dialogue. Please read our policies on commenting.
Mon / 08.08.11
Back in shoocl, I'm doing so much learning.
Mon / 08.08.11
A million thanks for posting this inofrmatoin.
Tue / 08.09.11
I'm not esaily impressed. . . but that's impressing me! :)
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